Please visit us at the Bill Goodman Gun and Knife Show at the Sharonville Convention Center in Cincinnati.
Find us by the eagle on our BANNER SIGN!
Mention YOU SAW THE EAGLE ON THE WEB SITE to get a special price on our feature gun. Limited
quantity in stock, so get there first! Check back here before the show opens for more
details!!! If you miss out, we may be able to get you another great deal and get you on our
customer list. We can get you some of the best prices with a friendly, personal touch. We are
especially helpful for first time buyers and women who have been afraid to go to the big
gun dealers. You can protect yourself and your family in your home without a concealed
carry license. Just a fast call-in approval and make your purchase right at our table and you walk away with
your new freedom against crime. See us at the Bill Goodman Gun Show.
Very few women report being attacked with a gun in her hand!
We highly recommend gun safety training or concealed carry classes so you can learn the
the kind of gun control that really does stop crime.
Nov. 10-11, 2012 : Sharonville, OH – Convention Center
Bill Goodman Gun and Knife Show
Hours for all shows: 9-5 Saturday & 9-4 Sunday.
Admission $8 for adults and $1 for children 12 & under.
See ya! Malcolm.